Be a Maverick

An independent or rebellious person

Friday, September 21, 2007

Gosh – I do feel good when I smile

Recent past has not been great for me. Lots of worries and problems, well that’s life right…. There are some positives and negatives…. But with all this going on…. I forgot that there is something called a smile or rather enjoying life……

I watched one English movie today and it was kind of an emotional movie….. One scene was so touching that I stood up started to smile seeing what’s happening on the screen…. I paced around my room, back and forth till the scene was complete….. It was a happy scene…. And I laughed seeing the end…. My heart felt light….. I had cold and cough today… but for a moment my body forgot that I was ill….. I kept smiling for some 15 minutes after the movie got over and guess wat; my mom came out of the kitchen and said hey u look good today…… All the problems which I had in my mind vanished for a few minutes….. At that moment I realized “Hey man you have not been smiling for a while”….. Then I sat to analyze why am I not smiling?

There are a number of reasons for me not to smile, which is not worthwhile to discuss here. But whatever may be the problem…. One should take some time out to enjoy life…..Does this happen only to me…. No right… everyone has problems….. But does everyone forget to smile like me…. I don’t think so…. May be few like me…. But definitely not everyone…..

There may be times when something is bothering you and suddenly you become serious….wats is that u achieve being serious, showing a stiff face to the ones who are near and dear….. Even though it doesn’t happen knowingly…one should have the ability to realize that life is too short to be filled with only worries. When you have the time on your side, enjoy… what’s the probability that the same situation will be presented before you in the future……..

Some moments are rare to occur….. and being clumsy at that point will not only make u unhappy but it was also lead you to long for love and affection in the future. Do you need a reason for you to smile, yes everyone does, but when an opportunity is presented to you… don’t ignore it and mourn for it later.

From now on… when I am a bit serious and not in a so called good mood, I am going to make sure that I am gonna live the moment and make others enjoy my company. Worries will be kept aside and will be remembered only when necessary. I wanna savor all good memories in my heart and live life peacefully.

Hope I achieve this dream; yes it is really a dream for me and ofcourse a big step too… I got a SMS this week from one of my friends….. Happiness is like a FM radio station… when you tune the right link… the songs you like will start ringing in your ears…… I shall start to tune in the right link, hope it enriches my life.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Gino Abinash said...

I liked the line.. - "what’s the probability that the same situation will be presented before you in the future……" And you will definitely achieve this...coz you have realised "nothing else matters..." except peace "within.."

At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) :) :) :) Keep Smiling... :) :) :)


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